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This page contains generic operations developed as part of the

“automation-cli” features an operation import command.

To use an operation from this collection, download the operation of your choice, then import the file by running :

Fenêtre de terminal
OPS=[OPSDirectory] automation-cli importop -f [Full path of downloaded file]


This operation is used with the command “listen”.

DescriptionThis operation installs the “presence” service on the remote server.
ExplanationsThis service sends the server’s $(hostname) value to the network’s “Broadcast” address every 15 seconds.
Download linkpresence
checksum sha256sha256sum
Execution commandOPS=[OPSDirectory] automation-cli run -op "presence" -h [target host]
UsageFrom the control node, run : automation-cli listen. All servers on the same network equipped with “presence” will be listed.

